Ladurée's Mascarpone Strawberry Tart - Tarte aux fraises et mascarpone
A great twist on the classic strawberry tart – the addition of mascarpone gives it a little tangy taste. Perfect for a simple summer...
Perfect madeleines - Les madeleines parfaites
My name is Madeleine, so I guess I was destined to love these little cakes ! As you can imagine, I have tried quite a few different...
Raspberry Tart, Sablé Breton Crust - Tarte aux framboises façon sablé breton
Brittany is the westernmost region of France, famous for its cider, crêpes and sablés, which are the inspiration for the crust. The...
Chocolate cake - Gâteau au chocolat
I'm not going to lie, this was supposed to be a two-layer cake but...let's just say my cat decided otherwise when he decided to jump on...